Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week #3: 21 Days

The Zone Girls

Hola all! 

This week has been such an amazing week. I am finally getting into the swing of things. I. Love. Being. A. Missionary. I don't know how many times I can say that. This brings me the most joy, seriously, yesterday I was thinking about how much this will bless my life. I have already seen SO many blessings because of it. I feel like my life has purpose now. Anyways, we have had so much fun the past week. I have become so close to my teachers and my hermanas. I cannot wait to be best friends with them forever. I love them. 
Tres Amigos
(By now you have probably noticed a pattern of these three Hermanas together in many pictures)

Okay so some funny things happened this week. The water here is literally disgusting (sorry I am a total water snob) and my district always puts their water bottles in the freezer and then let it melt throughout the day. (It makes it taste a little bit better... :)) Anyways, I filled mine up completely and shut it tight and then left it in the freezer all night. I took it out and within 5 minutes it exploded and it almost hit a hermana in the face. It sounded like a gun shot! I was laughing so hard. I am just so blessed I wasn't holding it in my hands when It exploded. later that night we went back to our apartment and as I turned on the light it exploded too. Everything I touch breaks obviously. We are still without light, but its okay I like the natural light better anyways. 

My companion and I, Hermana Wilson, have been teaching a couple Jose and Hely. (They are Mormon I am pretty sure...) But I love them so much. We have been told that you will love your investigators when you teach them and it is SO true. I love them. Yesterday we taught Jose for an HOUR! Just letting you know, one hour of Spanish just about kills me. The Spirit was so strong though. He started crying and it was awesome. I still have no idea if he was crying because my Spanish is so bad or if he really felt something! Just kidding, I cried too. It was so amazing. Seriously, I love being here and teaching people. It is so much fun! 

This is our last week with HALF of our zone. Half of them are leaving to Argentina and Ecuador! I am so sad they are leaving but so happy they are going to spread the good word! 

Hannah's District: Elder Gardner, Elder Christiansen, Elder Butts, Elder Tracy, Elder Battenfield, Elder Fitzgerald, Hermana McKnight, Hermana Erickson, Hermana Shumway, Hermana Herrera, Hermana Wilson, ME! (best district)

I am sad to report that I have not made any Spanglish puns this week, but don't you worry. I am sure I will come up with a few more. We had a new teacher come teach us this week his name is Hermano Clark. He served his mission in Paraguay! Yes, the same places that I will be going to! His mission split while he was there. I am so glad I was able to meet him! It makes me so excited to go there. Also, he said that he only saw one big spider his whole two years! (Hopefully this isn't me jinxing myself...) 

Hermana Herrera and Hermana Murphy (In her cute new glasses!)

This past Tuesday we sang at devotional as we always do. We sang a really pretty version of Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer. I highly suggest you listen to it! Anyways, we knew that someone big was going to be speaking because of the higher security (they need the best at the MTC... we are a rowdy crew) and they pulled out the talking screens that the GAs use! Anyways, rumor had it that President Monson was going to be speaking. It was not. Haha. Sister Oscarson, the General Young Women's President spoke. It was amazing. She talked about all of her children's missions and how we can be better missionaries. It was amazing!!! One thing she said that really stood out to me was that we are going to LOVE the people we teach. I can already tell you all that that is so true. I have so much love for the people of Argentina! I cannot wait to go in LESS THAN 3 WEEKS! SO excited! 

Thank you all for your love and support! It means the world to me. I love this gospel and I am so blessed to be here and learn how to bring people unto Christ! I know that this gospel will bring the most joy! 

La iglesia es verdedera! 

Hermana Murphy

Here are some pictures that Hannah sent me as well!  She looks like "Happy Hannah Laine" for sure!!!  Enjoy!!

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